Kothakoli-came from 'Kolikar kotha', in an effort to log the monologue-ous conversations that rage in conundrum, the arguments and questions that rumble inside to make me, 'me'. Kothakoli strives to stay true to the name: a dance, an exotic, challenging, colorful, beautiful dance. Somewhat like life itself.


Every so often we meet these people who seem to stand apart from the rest. The rest who are incomprehensible. To whom I am incomprehensible. why do I try to comprehend everything around me? And everyone? I wish I could make it not bother me. Why would I want to think why somebody would do something when I dont know why I am not sure of my motives or reasons for everything I do? Am I abusing freedom? Free will? Do I have free will? Or are we all wrapped around someone's finger. If that is the case why are we with a brain full of lipids and current trying to figure who we are and why.
and everytime we meet these people who we deem not incomprehensible, is it just a comic relief for the fingered One up there? A dog star to follow? A sign to recognize? And to be grateful? What's a girl to do? What's a girl to do?

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