Kothakoli-came from 'Kolikar kotha', in an effort to log the monologue-ous conversations that rage in conundrum, the arguments and questions that rumble inside to make me, 'me'. Kothakoli strives to stay true to the name: a dance, an exotic, challenging, colorful, beautiful dance. Somewhat like life itself.

Results Returns Reactions

I am rubbing her nose, pulling her ears, stroking her head and she grinds her teeth softly, what the doctors and websites translate as a bunny's equivalent as a cat's purr or for those who are unfamiliar-- 'I am loving it, give me more'. turning on my side now in what is a more favorable position to me, I ask her silently so when would you do this to me? And I bite myself mid sentence. Didn't I always advocate that the most selfless thing you could do was 'this' (for lack of a better word) where I the doer the giver has no inkling whatsoever of the pleasure, happiness, coziness, comfort of the the do-ee or taker. Why then blemish it with the wish would I get it back? self less remember, we are not to talk about results, returns, reactions.

Are results not the purpose? If we are not to think about results, we are not to have a goal: hereby give Pupu comfort. The big purpose: be a do-good-er. If I am not thinking about the future moment which is the result of this, how would I know if what I am doing has a purpose? If I am following the goal right? If not, what would be the consequences of not reaching my goal etc... you get the point.
So if I dont know or am not sure whether Pupu is liking this petting how do I give it to her, the right way, the right amount the right place. The results, her grinding, snoozing under my hand etc are the required results here.

Ok. So I say I am only to love her, not ask for her love in return. Maybe I don't ask her to feed me, clean my toilet or lock me in a cage but I am not so sure I am not asking for her love in return. I am not sure if bunnies are 'advanced' enough to fake a grind just to make me feel that I am appreciated? option 1 would be she likes me petting, expresses her 'I like it'; option 2 hates my petting, fakes the grinding to make me happy, option 3 grinding is just something like goosebumps for bunnies happens in both positive and negative moods, I think of the 1st 'cause I am looking for positive feedback. Option 4 she likes it, she sees that I make a positive correlation with her grinding, more grinding more petting, so in her mind it is not P -->G, it is G-->P hence 'lets G' and thus gives a hoot about me.
So returns as it looks to me is needed sort of as a control factor of the product or service rendered.

Very in sync with the results, but whereas results can include involuntary details, reactions would mean voluntary results and hence essential for the pathway to continue, in this case, I need to know what she likes so I can do it 'to her liking' which knowledge is also gratifying to my self.

So if I don't consider the results, returns and reactions, what would be the reason behind choosing what to do and what not to, whether when and how to do it. Since unreasonably we wouldnt be doing much,  we would have to consider the results, returns and reactions. Did selflessness just drop off my screen?

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